
When Parents Separate, Focus on the Kids

The last few years in the house may have been tempestuous. Arguments occur at a snap. Tempers flare easily. It’s a point in which disagreements have escalated too far, indicating that a once happy couple may need to begin thinking of separating. After all, the long-term effects of this hostility could be bringing about anger, stress and sadness not just on the adults, but also on the children. Time apart may be helpful in establishing some peace and healing. During this time, it’s important for couples to focus on themselves as well as on their kids. Here are three things to consider during break up.

  1. Think About Custody Carefully

Even though you aren’t living together, bickering may still happen. You’ll want to work with a legal team that specializes in separation agreement Tampa. Be very clear about how you want to split the time with the little ones. Their mental well-being is connected to how well you both can get along. For that reason, discuss who is going to care for them more often or if it is going to be even. Put it in writing to solidify it, and follow it willingly.

  1. Work with a Therapist

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Stabilizing Your Finances as a Recent College Graduate

If you have just finished college, your future plans have probably been affected by the shutdowns and social distancing protocols caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic. You have student loans to pay off, you need to find a place to live and you’re not sure what will happen in the fall. While you need to find a long-term career, the following tips will help you meet your financial obligations in the meantime.

Apply for a Loan

If you are over the age of 18, you can apply for a loan from an installment lender Mississippi. Research the different kinds of loans to find a program that meets your needs. Prepare to show the lender your financial history, bank account information and current source of income. Depending on your credit score, you may need a parent or guardian to cosign on your loan.

Find a Part-Time Job

You’re probably eager to jump into your career, but many job openings have reduced capacity or have closed altogether. To prepare yourself for your next steps in the fall, secure a part-time job for the summer. Normal summer jobs at day camps and pools are not likely to be open, but you …


A Few Common Misconceptions About Bail Money

It is not surprising that many people are unsure of what exactly the bond system is and how it works. Essentially, bail bonds are used to allow a person to go free between the time he or she is charged with a crime to the time when the charge is adjudicated. If the crime is a serious one, the amount of the bail will be quite high. In the case of a minor crime, the bail will be set low or a person will be released on his or her own recognizance. A person can consider several different bond types through bail bonds Scranton PA.


Many people get their information about bail bonds through the movies. As represented in cinema, the industry is certainly an interesting one full of intrigue and dangerous moments. In reality, though, many of these portrayals result in misunderstandings about the bail business. Here are a few of the most common misconceptions related to the bail business:

  • Bail companies are always located in seedy areas
  • Bail bonds are too expensive
  • Bail is a complete exoneration of charges
  • The business is unregulated
  • The business is shady

When a person is out on bail, he …
